The task of the project was to develop a corporate brand for the holding, which would successfully communicate with employees, partners and the state.
Russian Sea, Santa Bremor, Savushkin Product, Santa Rest, Santa Invest, Santa Moldova, Santa Ukraine, Santa Impex and about 10 other business units more have always existed as a single system. But they have never been unified on visual and value levels.
In order to develop and smoothly implement a unified system, the PG team included the studies of employees and of top management in the project. Thus, 50 in-depth interviews with the senior managers were conducted, and about 300 questionnaires were received from other workers. Based on research, the PG has developed a brand platform, mission, vision, values and a key-note brand metaphor.

The essence of a brand is expressed in the sentence “our possibilities are limitless”. Interviews with employees were full of incorruptible ambitions and faith in the boundless opportunities of their company. “While working on the transition of the metaphor into design, we were limited to the direction of minimalism in identics and had to develop a graphics that would contain a lot of positive meaning”.

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